Continuing the Conversation: Ways African Countries Can Capitalize on Their Raw Materials
Raw materials in African countries have been and continue to be exploited by others. It’s time for these countries to change the narrative through the manufacturing and exportation of finished goods.
How African Countries Can Take Charge of Their Raw Material Exploitation
For too long, African countries have had their raw materials taken advantage of by other countries. The time has come for them to take charge of these materials, invest in themselves, and start manufacturing their way to success.
Booming Industries for African Countries to Consider in 2020
2020 marks the start of a new decade of opportunity for African countries to capitalize on their resources and grow their economies. As technological advancements grow by the day, what countries will take this opportunity and emerge as leaders?
How African Countries Can Prosper in 2020
In order for African countries to prosper in 2020 and the new decade, they must adhere to the template of success that has been laid out for them by countries with similar circumstances.
Igniting Development in African Countries: A Spotlight on Nigeria
In order for African countries, in this case Nigeria, to begin to reap the rewards of economic growth and development, they must make it their mission to cut out the problems that continue to inhibit their success.
Leveraging Leadership and Exports for Economic Growth
As we start to head into a new decade, no longer can African nations rely on their victim mentality to explain their current circumstances. It’s going to take strong leadership to look forward not backward, in order to improve.
Cutting Out Corruption in Africa
Perhaps the biggest deterrent and most widely known theme of when people think about Africa is the corruption that exists. Corrupt political and business deals with foreign countries pad the pockets of those at the top while stunting the growth of the respective country.
How Focused Leadership Can Help Solve Political and Economical Problems in Africa
Throughout history, leaders with the big ideas that would help reshape the world, were only able to manifest these ideas by having extreme focus. Focus, combined with wanting to empower and inspire others, helped embolden them into the history books for impacting the success of their country.
How African Leaders Can Redirect Government Funds to Fuel Economic Growth
Poor government leadership and spending has been a detriment to the economic development of African countries for far too long. Government funds need to be invested into promising companies that create sustainable economic growth.
Finding Levers That African Countries Can Pull To Stimulate Economic Development
Entrepreneurship and capitalism are the tried and true driving forces behind sustainable economic development. African countries cannot hope to build an economy around natural resources or aid from other countries; these can be supplemental factors but never the backbone for economic prosperity.