
Booming Industries for African Countries to Consider in 2020

2020 marks the start of a new decade of opportunity for African countries to capitalize on their resources and grow their economies. As technological advancements grow by the day, what countries will take this opportunity and emerge as leaders?

How African Countries Can Prosper in 2020

In order for African countries to prosper in 2020 and the new decade, they must adhere to the template of success that has been laid out for them by countries with similar circumstances.

Leveraging Leadership and Exports for Economic Growth

As we start to head into a new decade, no longer can African nations rely on their victim mentality to explain their current circumstances. It’s going to take strong leadership to look forward not backward, in order to improve.

Cutting Out Corruption in Africa

Perhaps the biggest deterrent and most widely known theme of when people think about Africa is the corruption that exists. Corrupt political and business deals with foreign countries pad the pockets of those at the top while stunting the growth of the respective country.