
John Akhile

On African International Trade

The author, John Akhile, is a man of varied entrepreneurial accomplishments in several fields. His range of interests includes fields as diverse from one another as international trade, real estate, and restaurants, demonstrating his keen interest in international affairs and the cultural underpinnings of society. In many respects, he is a true “Renaissance man” because he has great depth of knowledge and command in many varied industries. However, his central passion has been the African continent and people, having concentrated on the issues hindering development and growth in African countries for more than three decades. This passion has led to one self published book and “Unleashed.”

His first book, “Compensatory Trade Strategy: How to Fund Import-Export Trade and Industrial Projects When Hard Currency is in Short Supply,” was written to address the trade and industrial financing deficiencies hampering aggressive economic
development in African countries using compensatory trade techniques such as offsets, direct compensation, and evidence accounts. As African countries embrace the importance of deploying an all-of-the-above strategy for development and intra-African trade, “Compensatory Trade Strategy” will be a good reference for policymakers. And now, “Unleashed: A New Paradigm of African Trade with the World” addresses the root cause of “competitive ineptitude,” an unwillingness to mix it up in the global marketplace of goods and services, which is the preeminent damming agent of initiatives by African leaders.

International Trade, Real Estate and Restaurants

At varying points along the way, John Akhile Sr. has owned and run an international trade business, owned a multi-million-dollar real estate portfolio of 145 apartment units in Chicago, Illinois, and was a partner with former Heavyweight Champion Evander Holyfield in a much-publicized restaurant venture in Atlanta, Georgia. He is a natural entrepreneur and a firm advocate of a free-enterprise economy. The author is a father of two.