The objective is to create an organization that will use market initiatives, including literary works, innovative brokering services, and social media, to vigorously agitate the socio-economic-political sub-structure of African countries. This outline sketches the process that the organization intends to deploy for the purpose.
It is a three-step process whose primary aim is to contribute to positive catalytic change in African countries in this generation. Change that will unleash the potential of the people of African countries and bring relief to hundreds of millions of people who are trapped in a mega-structure of bad governance, devoid of real opportunities, and who subsist in abject and desperate poverty.
This book has taken a holistic view of the issues that directly and indirectly bear on the ability of African nations to evolve strategies and mechanisms for transcendent economic growth. It takes a look back in history to review the mechanisms with which Europeans plundered the material and human resources of the people of Africa. Drawing on examples of Asia Tiger’s path to successful economies and prosperous societies, “Unleashed” looks into the deficiencies in both the governance apparatus of African countries, as well as the human shortcomings of the leaders of African countries that directly bear on poor policy prescriptions and follow-through since independence, of most, if not all the countries. It makes tangible suggestions for new institutions and policies that will unleash the inherent potential of African countries and create permanent successes.
Goal: to contribute cataclysmically to social-economic transformation in African countries
Preamble: When Dr. Kishore Mahbubani, Dean of Lee Kuan Yew’s School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, stated that Singapore has experienced the same things that African countries are experiencing, and perhaps they can learn from the experience of Singapore, he was being very, very kind. Dr. Mahuuubani shared
these remarks during an introduction for a guest lecture appearance by Dr. “Mo” Ibrahim at the school. He could have stated that Singapore was in the same situation as African countries were 50 years ago and that while Singapore, a city-state, has risen to become one of the world’s most prosperous economies, African countries have, for the most part, languished. He also could have said that since Singapore is a city state that is smaller than some of Africa’s larger cities, with less than 6 million inhabitants, having no exportable raw material capacity but which, nevertheless, has managed to produce a GDP greater than every African country except South Africa, that African countries should be doing better with the resources at their disposal. On both counts, Dr. Mahbubani would be correct, although not politically or diplomatically.
To effect change in the attitudes and inclination of people who are currently governing and who aspire to govern African peoples in the future to become driven by the need to serve rather than the need to profit from their service.
To communicate in a manner that will compel “decisioniers” to take action and implement ideas that have been successful in similar situations facing African countries in order to engender economic and social transformation to free hundreds of millions of people from the scourge of debilitating impoverishment.
To open up a pipeline of information that will permeate the grassroots of African voters and empower them with information with which they can properly measure their leaders.
To agitate for a transformational shift in global attitudes towards the African condition by bypassing the filter of mainstream editors and media to disseminate the reality of African countries and people.
To engage the global community by bringing a new progressive demand-support dynamic into the aid support structure in the home of NGOs.
To unleash the potential of hundreds of millions of Africans and free them to create their own prosperous societies.