
ISI and Raw Material Dependency: “Twin Killers” of Economic Potential of African Countries (PART 8 of 8)

Continued from Part 7 Organizational Structure for an Export Oriented Culture…continued from Pt.7 As described in suggestions for a cultural center, a mass information dissemination process is necessary to gain support of citizens. It would be expedient for the economic development board (the coordinator of industrialization policy) and the export marketing body to jointly execute […]

ISI and Raw Material Dependency: “Twin Killers” of Economic Potential of African Countries (PART 4 of 8)

Engineering the Transition continued….from pt. 3 Information dispersal and indoctrination are an important part of any transition process. Because without total buy-in from the citizens including existing socio-economic-political power-centers, businesses, and the everyday person, it will be a convoluted process that is susceptible to derailment. In every African country, the importers are a powerful interest […]