
Re-Engineering Development in African Countries Part 5: The Heavy Lifting

[fusion_text] This article is a continuation of Re-Engineering Development in African Countries Part 4. Truth #6 The sixth is to compartmentalize each challenge by creating mission-specific teams. To successfully manage every aspect of re-engineering for change, leadership should create nuclei of working groups or mission-teams within a master-plan of tasks. In my book, “Unleashed, A […]

Re-Engineering Development in African Countries Part 3

Fig. 1 Typical Functions of a Japanese Sogo Shosha

The World is a “Business Ecosystem” Managed by Politicians Part of the reason for the success of countries that have either made up ground or surpassed Western nations is that they get it. They get the fact that commerce is the business of the world’s nations. At the risk of over-simplification, the profit from supplying […]

Re-Engineering Development in African countries

Transformative Growth: Shenzhen today

This wide-ranging analysis about re-engineering development in African countries is not for the faint of heart. It is not for those who would rather gloss over the challenges facing African countries and indulge in delusional fantasies about African “riches.” For those people, now would be the time to opt out of this discussion. In my […]

ISI and Raw Material Dependency: “Twin Killers” of Economic Potential of African Countries (PART 4 of 8)

Engineering the Transition continued….from pt. 3 Information dispersal and indoctrination are an important part of any transition process. Because without total buy-in from the citizens including existing socio-economic-political power-centers, businesses, and the everyday person, it will be a convoluted process that is susceptible to derailment. In every African country, the importers are a powerful interest […]

Deploying all of the above trade strategy — compensatory trade techniques

There is no debating the fact that African countries have had a checkered history in fostering an environment that facilitates economic development. At the heart of it is trade strategy or lack thereof of African countries. With very few exceptions, innovative trade finance tools have been underutilized by countries of the continent. There is a […]